说明:用于格式化CICS Trace文件
cd /var/cics_regions/ CICSRGN1/dumps/dir1
cicstfmt *trc
cd /var/cics_regions/ CICSRGN1/data
cicssfmt statsfile>stat.1
cicssfmt -i statsfile>stat.1
说明:启动CICS 3270仿真终端,用于连接CICS Region
cicstail –r CICSRGN1
Usage: cicssdt [-s Server] [-i inputFileName] [-o outputFileName] [-e] [-r] [-c commandName …]
cicssdt –s /.:/cics/sfs/SFS_SERV
sfsadmin help {
Example: sfsadmin help import file
Available commands:
sfsadmin acquire lvol — Acquire a logical volume into the server.
sfsadmin add index — Add a secondary index to a file.
sfsadmin add lvol — Add a logical volume to the server.
sfsadmin copy file — Copy a file.
sfsadmin create clusteredfile — Create a btree clustered file.
sfsadmin create relativefile — Create a relative file.
sfsadmin create sequentialfile — Create an entry sequenced (sequential) file.
sfsadmin deactivate index — Deactivate a secondary index.
sfsadmin delete index — Delete a secondary index.
sfsadmin destroy file — Destroy a file.
sfsadmin empty file — Delete all the records in a file.
sfsadmin enable server — Enable the server.
sfsadmin expand file — Enlarge the primary storage area for a file.
sfsadmin expand index — Enlarge the storage area for a secondary index.
sfsadmin export file — Export a file to a specified device.
sfsadmin help — Display help message for given command
sfsadmin import file — Import a file from a specified device.
sfsadmin list files — List all files at the server.
sfsadmin list lvols — List all logical volumes of a server.
sfsadmin list ofds — List all ofds at the server.
sfsadmin query export — Query an export set on a specified device.
sfsadmin query file — Obtain information about a file.
sfsadmin query filelock — Obtain information about locks on a file.
sfsadmin query index — Obtain information about a secondary index.
sfsadmin query lvol — Obtain information about a logical volume.
sfsadmin query ofd — Obtain information about an ofd.
sfsadmin query server — Obtain information about a server.
sfsadmin query tranlock — Obtain information about transaction locks.
sfsadmin rebuild index — Rebuild a secondary index.
sfsadmin release lvol — Release a logical volume from the server.
sfsadmin rename file — Rename a file.
sfsadmin rename index — Rename an index.
sfsadmin reorganize file — Reorganize a file.
sfsadmin set recordlimit — Set max number of records on a file.
sfsadmin terminate ofd — Terminate an ofd.
sfsadmin –s /.:/cics/sfs/SFS_SERV list files
ppcadmin help
ppcadmin help {
Example: ppcadmin help create luentry
Available commands:
ppcadmin cancel resync — Cancel the specified resynchronization
ppcadmin create luentry — Create an executive LU entry
ppcadmin create remoteluentry — Create a remote LU entry
ppcadmin delete luentry — Delete an executive LU entry
ppcadmin delete remoteluentry — Delete a remote LU entry
ppcadmin destroy conv — Unbind the session carrying the specified Conversation
ppcadmin enable server — Complete server initialization
ppcadmin export configuration — Export the configuration from a running PPC Gateway server to a file
ppcadmin force xln — Force an XLN for the specified LU-LU pair
ppcadmin help — Display help message for given command
ppcadmin list convs — List all active SNA Conversations
ppcadmin list luentries — List all registered executive LU entries
ppcadmin list luws — List all active LUWs
ppcadmin list remoteluentries — List all registered remote LU entries
ppcadmin list resyncs — List all pending resynchronizations
ppcadmin list transactions — List all active transactions
ppcadmin list xlns — List XLN status for all known LU-LU pairs
ppcadmin modify luentry — Modify an executive LU entry
ppcadmin query conv — Query an active SNA Conversation
ppcadmin query gtid — Query an active global transaction
ppcadmin query luentry — Query an executive LU entry
ppcadmin query luw — Query an active LUW
ppcadmin query remoteluentry — Query a remote LU entry
ppcadmin query resync — Query the specified resynchronization
ppcadmin query stats — Query the specified Conversation and show its statistics
ppcadmin query transaction — Query an active transaction
ppcadmin query xln — Query XLN status for the specified LU-LU pair
ppcadmin stop server — Terminate the specified Gateway Server
ppcadmin –s /.:/cics/ppc/gateway/GWY list luws
Usage: cicserr [message number | help]
message number
It should be a complete message code(like ERZxxxxxx | ERZxxxx | Axxx | Uxxxx).
It prints usage(this) message
cicserr A147
cicserr ERZ046091I