在搭建DB2 PURESCALE环境,在作环境检查时,意外地遇到如下错误:
Validating “modprobe.conf” …
DBT3588W The db2prereqcheck utility was unable to validate the configuration of the log_mtts_per_seg parameter on the following host machine: “node02”. Reason code: “1”.
WARNING : Requirement not matched.
[root@node02 server]# more /etc/modprobe.conf
/etc/modprobe.conf: No such file or directory
[root@node02 server]# echo “options mlx4_core log_mtts_per_seg=7” >> /etc/modprobe.conf
[root@node02 server]# more /etc/modprobe.conf
options mlx4_core log_mtts_per_seg=7
[root@node02 server]# ./db2prereqcheck
Validating “modprobe.conf” …
Requirement matched.
至此,全部安装条件符合,可以顺利安装DB2 PURESCALE功能组件啦。。