From TXSeries 9.1, you can use cicsadmin command from shell command prompt to admin the Region.
1) List tasks running on the region [list task]
For. e.g
# cicsadmin -r REG1 list task
Date Time Trans Taskid ProgName User Pid TranClass TerminalID
170817 11:12:25 CEMT 11 DFHCEMT CICSUSER 4468 DFHTCL00 MZWC
2) Forcepurge a task [purge task <task number>]
For e.g cicsadmin -r REG1 purge task 11
3) Enable/disable dump [dump on/off]
For e.g cicsadmin -r REG1 dump on/off
4) Create a snap dump [perform dump]
For e.g cicsadmin -r REG1 perform dump
5) Enable/disable traces. [trace enable]
For e.g cicsadmin -r REG1 trace enable
6) Perform NEWCOPY [newcopy programname]
For e.g cicsadmin -r REG1 newcopy <progname>
7) Control the Minimum and Maximum application server [set maxservers <number> ]
For e.g cicsadmin -r REG1 maxserver 5